AJR trucking employees

Food For Families Feeds Over 18K

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Over 5,000 cars, 900+ Walkthroughs, Over 18,000 People Served

Serving others is one of our company’s core values. We pride ourselves in delivering fast and reliable service to all our customers, AJR Trucking, Inc., MDB Transportation, Inc., The Dream Center, Family & Kids Foundation, Inner City Child Development & Youth Foundation, My TRIBE Rise, and I CAN All Stars have joined forces to give back to the community. Together along with sponsors like Inland Kenworth, U.S. Gain, and Crest Insurance Group, we were able to provide two weeks-worth of groceries and food to people in need during every food drive. The food banks started back in April and are drive thru style, with people driving or walking thru to receive essential items, groceries, other food items, and gifts. The 4 community events we have already done have taken place in local communities every two weeks and have served over 18,000 people.

Lines have been starting to form since 8am for every event and community members have been provided food, supplies, dog food, baby clothing, adult clothing, and toys to over 8,000 families in Lynwood, Compton, and Long Beach. The goal of this growing coalition of organizations dedicated to serving the community is to grow and provide even more much needed services to the residents of these communities, who have been under-served for many years – “the vision is to feed the body, mind, and souls of anyone and everyone who is in need ”.

Our company Vice President, Jack Khudikyan has ensured that AJR Trucking, Inc. and MDB Transportation, Inc. exemplify this mission through service to the community. The objective is to promote a sense of well-being for everyone, by feeding the body and working on ways to feed the minds and souls through the development of other community outreach programs. “Our desire is to have more sponsors join our cause in order to grow these community outreach events and support more people.” Please reach out to Jack / Marcela if you would like to participate in any way by calling 310-707-1120 or emailing: support@ajrtrucking.com.

Our next scheduled events will take place on July 11, 2020 at the Rose Bowl.

If you or anyone you know can benefit from this event, please share with them. More information will be provided via our social media platforms.

Written By: Marcela Hurtado

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